
Monday 9 September 2013

THE GREEDY EAGLE - Story by Hasniah Hussain (Mama Tok ) and illustrations by Arthur S.Siowou (Sabahan Naive Artist )

Story by Hasniah Hussain (Mama Tok ) - Comes from the state of Perlis  and now lives in Selangor.She received her Bachelor of Arts and Diploma in Education from Universiti Malaya.She worked as a teacher from 1975 until she retired in August 2004.Prior to her retirement, she was a lecturer in the pedagogy of Theater in Teaching and Learning of Malay Language at the Department of Malay Cultural Development, Teachers Training , Kuala Lumpur.

Illustrations by Arthur S.Siowou - Is a naive art artist from the land below the wind , Sabah.He ventured into the art world in 2000 after graduating from graphic school in 1999.Since then, he has participated in a number of exhibitions organized by the Sabah Art Galery and other galleries in Sabah. In 2009 and 2010, Arthur won the Karya Pilihan Negeri Sabah.He has also participated in exhibitions in Kuala Lumpur and Japan.The flora and fauna of Borneo are the main focus of his art.The Greedy Eagle is his first picture book.